The summer weather in Korea is very hot now.

July to August in Korea is the hottest summer weather.
The temperature in Seoul was 37 degrees today.

June or September is also hot because of global warming.
This year, until last July, I had been cool as if it wasn't summer.

Winds often blow, rainy days overlap, cloudy days, and above all, the temperature was not very high.

As I had a different July than last year, I thought I could pass this summer in a really cool way.

But when the heat wave started, it started to feel like it was happening.
The midday temperature is so high that my clothes get wet even though I work in the sun for a while.

I live in a windy apartment, so I don't have many days to turn on the air conditioner even in summer.
When I sleep at night, I rarely turn on the air conditioner.

But last night, it was so humid that it was hard to sleep without the air conditioner turned on.

The temperature is not that high, but the humidity is so high that I woke up.
No matter how hot it is so far, there was a little wind at night, but yesterday there was no wind yesterday.

I can't stand the high humidity of summer than the high temperature of summer.
Most people may be like that way.

And today, it's as cool as autumn weather.
I can't think of yesterday's hot weather, but the wind feels cold at night.

There are many apartments in Korea.
The number of super-high-rise apartments is increasing.
I also currently live in an apartment with more than 20 floors.

As I have lived in an apartment for a long time, I feel uncomfortable living in a high-rise apartment.

Above all, the height is high, so the number of people entering and leaving the country is reduced.  I don't want to wait for Elivet because I live in a high-rise, so I don't want to go out again when I come home.

But living in an apartment is very convenient.
Living in an area with a small population, it's convenient to live because your state's infrastructure is well equipped. Also, the apartment is well built as a defense against single-family housing.

Having lived in an apartment for a long time, I feel like I want to live on the top floor at least once.

I want to live in an apartment designed to use rooftop like a terrace.

There used to be few such apartments, but there have been a growing number of construction companies building double-deck apartments with terraces since a long time ago.

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